Jayawijaya mountains

Jayawijaya mountains Where we can find snow in Indonesia? Only in Jayawijaya mountain peaks. Special, snow in Jayawijaya not like snow in the 4 seasons which only a few months. Snow in one of the highest peak in Indonesia will be there forever. 
Jayawijaya Mountains is the name for the mountain range that extends lengthwise in the center of the province of West Papua and Papua (Indonesia) to Papua New Guinea Newguinea on. Rows of Mountains which have some of the highest peak in Indonesia was formed by the removal of the sea floor thousands of years ago. Although located at an altitude of 4800 masl, fossilized sea shells, for example, can be seen in limestone and clastic rocks contained in Jayawijaya Mountains. Therefore, besides being a heaven for hikers, mountain paradise Jayawijaya also a world geological researchers.
Jayawijaya Mountains are also the only mountain and mountain in Indonesia, which has a peak covered with eternal snow. Although not all of the peak of the cluster Jayawijaya Mountains that has snow. Snow is owned by several peaks even at this time is lost due to weather changes globally.

    The history of the formation of Jayawijaya Mountains
    According to geological theory, originally the world only have a continent named Pangea at 250 million years ago. Continent Pangaea split into two to form the continents Laurasia and Eurasian continents. Eurasian continent burst back into Gonwana continent that later would become the mainland of South America, Africa, India, and Australia.

    Precipitation is very intensive in the continent of Australia, plus the occurrence of plate collision between the Indo-Pacific plate with the Indo-Australian on the seabed. Plate collision resulted in the island arc, which also became the forerunner of the islands and mountains in Papua.

    As a result of the appointment process is ongoing, sedimentation and tectonic events along under the sea, within a period of millions of years to produce high mountains as you can see today.

    Evidence that the high mountains of New Guinea and its never been part of the deep seafloor can be seen from the fossil remains in rocks Jayawijaya.

    Jayawijaya peaks :

         * Puncak Jaya m.dpl 5030
         * Puncak Yamin m.dpl 4535
         * Peak Idenberg m.dpl 4673
         * Puncak Mandala m.dpl 4650
         * Peak Trikora m.dpl 4730

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