Departing on Sunday morning, we headed Sidikalang from Medan, Dairi, to meet some friends. After that headed Tele, one of the best angle to see the Lake Toba. In Sidikalang, we received information on the existence of lakes in Lake Toba, on Samosir Island lake. Lake Sidihoni name. An image of the ideal journey.
Our trip had hesitated continue after seeing several trucks carrying Sidikalang the famous durian. Buy ... not ... buy ... not .... "There's also why in Medan, even already wrapped in a plastic box, layered, ready to enter the plane," said Maringan S Pardede, residents Sidikalang.
Road between Sidikalang and Tele through coffee plantations and orange, alternating with fields where horses graze alongside children who exult, joking as she bathe in clear water.

Tele is one of the best angle for the public to see Lake Toba. A viewing tower standing in the corner. On the left side looked Mount Pusuk Buhit, mountain Batak mythology, which is shrouded in mist and clouds. On the right side several waterfalls flowing from the cliffs of Lake Toba. In front of the tower, Lake Toba lies. Light rain falling, cold, but not piercing.
Some people who come to the Tele often muttered, Tele reminds them of the mountains in the movie Lords of the Rings.
That day the road from Tele to Samosir Island downhill middle widened. Rider safety is at stake. Rock cliff on the left side of landslide prone, while tens of meters gaping chasm on the right. Bergeronjal streets, damaged. Unfortunately, the beauty of Lake Toba hide the death due to poor infrastructure.
Fish soup
The sun was almost drowned when a sudden we felt strange car on the road shake the flat. An incident occurred: our car tires burst. Honestly, we do not know the name jack, let alone a spare tire. Luckily, a young man passing from Medan with his host and bone willingly stretched out under the car looking for spare tires hook that has been rusted and help us change the tire.

Jumaga wife, Masrida SIH serve menu that day, the fish soup of Lake Toba, the newly created because it was our only guest on that cold day. No more missing, after a bowl of hot soup with pieces of tilapia fish fresh tomatoes eaten with warm rice.
Chat flowed there-here, the lake water rose several feet in recent times, until the foreign tourists who never came back since the Bali bomb attacks. Quite a lot of domestic tourists, but most stop at Parapat.
Had we looked at each other when the house owner told me about Lake Sidihoni. "The truth can be just half an hour from Pangururan, but because of bad roads two hours could be more," he said. In my heart I said, the tires can be broken again, here.
We leave at six in the morning to Sidihoni. In huta-huta aka villages along the way, the faces of small children emerge from the traditional house, while their mother in the yard sweep. Fields and the tomb where the bones of their ancestors are buried back Batak ceremony on Holi Mangongkal lined the roadside.
"Boru What are you, host?" Light a warning that glide easily lead to a long conversation about husbands, wives, children, grandchildren, to life. Our trip was simple, but real, into the lives of its host and Amang in Samosir, not just watching something artificial.
Travel from Lake Sidihoni Pangururan to ramp through which not only severely damaged, but destroyed.

In the midst of meadows and fields, revealing Sidihoni Lake, Lake Toba lake above it. On the banks of the lake that intangible the hill looks a little old church.
There are no tourist bustle around a deserted lake. Only a coffee shop with some guy who engrossed menongkrong with pool table and a cup of coffee. "In the past there are Western tourists often camp here, they like to swim in the lake," said Naibaho, a local resident.

Maruhum story, there are stories behind the calm water of the lake can reach a broad maximum of 5 hectares with a depth of 90 meters this. Occasionally the lake is visible nodes so invite the tourists to swim.
There are special moments when changing the color of the lake following the conditions of this republic. "Been twice this lake is red, time 30 September 1965 and the time Suharto fell," said Marihun.
When we were there, right on the second day of the legislative election campaign (17 / 3), the shrinkage of the lake water was turbid brown. I do not know what that means ....
Source: KOMPAS
Photo: KOMPAS-hotel vouchers
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