When a person feels scared or are faced with dangerous situations, the human body will experience a remarkable turnaround. Suddenly, the body becomes stronger as the mighty Samson legend. When a person feels scared or are faced with dangerous situations, the human body will experience a remarkable turnaround. Suddenly, the body becomes stronger as the mighty Samson legend.

Apparently there is a hormone that triggers the body suddenly become strong like Samson figure. So do not be surprised if all of a sudden in an emergency people can lift heavy things that if under normal conditions is not possible.
The secret is in the cooperation of two hormones that the body's adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline (norepinephrine), the hormone that can help create the conditions for human readiness to face danger.
So when a person feels scared or confronted with a dangerous situation the body will stimulate the hypothalamus, the area of the brain responsible for maintaining the balance between stress and relaxation in the body.
When there is a warning of danger, the body will send chemical signals to the adrenal gland to activate the sympathetic system. These glands will then adrenaline and noradrenaline release.
As quoted from HowStuffWorks, these hormones together can increase heart rate, rapid breathing, dilated pupils, slow down digestion and allows the muscles to contract more than usual.
The release of these hormones make the body more prepared to face danger, so that makes a person become more agile, to have more information and help a person uses more energy.
The effects of adrenaline increase the amount of muscle mass and incredible strength. Adrenaline also allows the muscles to work more strongly than when the body is in neutral or calm.
When adrenaline is released by the adrenal medulla, the blood becomes more easily flow to the muscles, which means more oxygen carried to the muscles so the muscles can work at higher levels.
Frame muscle attached to the bone will be activated by electrical stimulation of the nervous system. When stimulated, muscle contraction, which means the muscles can shorten and tighten. This is what makes a person could lift a large item or throw punches.
Adrenaline also facilitate the change of glycogen into glucose, which means providing additional energy for muscles. This of course can strengthen the muscles that already exists.
Some theories indicate humans use only a small muscle strength. But when faced with danger, a person can act with a force that transcends the limitations of his ability.
Source: health.detik.com
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