In Indonesia, this species can be found in Sumatra, Java and Kalimantan. Slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) is a kind of primate are cute and adorable, so no wonder many common people who make these primates to be the target to be used as pets. Table of contents
* 1 The distribution
* 2 Protection loris
* 3 arrests Each animal in the wild
* 4 Teeth slow lorises
* 5 trade of slow lorises
* 6 For Traditional Medicine
* 7 Smuggling abroad
* 8 Law Enforcement
* 9 Kukang Endangered
* 10 Reference
* 11 External links
Nycticebus clan consists of 5 types, namely:
1. Nycticebus coucang spread in the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and surrounding islands.
2. Nycticebus pygmaeus in Indochina, Laos and Cambodia.
3. Nycticebus bengalensis in India to Thailand.
4. Nycticebus javanicus, only found in Java.
5. Nycticebus menagensis, only found in Borneo and surrounding islands.
Slow loris is a primate that lives in tropical forests of Indonesia, like primary and secondary forests, shrubs and bamboo groves. Kukang spread in Southeast Asia. In Indonesia lemur found in Sumatra, Kalimantan and Java. However, until now there is no definite and accurate data about the number of population in the wild. However, if viewed from the lemur habitat loss and rampant poaching and illegal trade can be used as an indicator that the slow loris in the wild has decreased. A 1904 painting of Slow lorises. While Unidentified, share the top and bottom markings of Nycticebus coucang coucang, the left and right share the coloring and size of Nycticebus pygmaeus. Note the "T" shaped end to the white stripe on nose N. pygmaeus, while Nycticebus coucang coucang have a distinct five pointed star at the back of the head. Protection loris
In Indonesia lorises have been protected since 1973 by the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture on February 14, 1973, no. 66 / Kpts / Um/2/1973. This protection is reinforced again by a Government Regulation (PP) No. 7 of 1999 on Preservation of Plants and Animals, which include slow loris in the annex to the types of plants and animals are protected.
According to Law No. 5 / 1990 on Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems article 21 paragraph 2, trading and possession of protected animals including the slow loris is prohibited. Violators of this provision may be subject to criminal penalties of 5 years imprisonment and a fine of Rp 100 million.
With this regulation, then all kinds of slow lorises in Indonesia has been protected. Meanwhile, the IUCN world conservation body, insert lemur in the Vulnerable category (susceptible), which means it has a 10% chance of extinction within 100 years. While CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora) lemur enter into Appendix I. CITES Status: Previous lemur included in Appendix II of CITES which means that international trade is allowed, including the arrest of the slow loris natural.
With the inclusion of slow loris in Appendix I of CITES in 2007, the international trade in slow loris increasingly tightened. Slow loris trade should no longer result of the arrest of nature, but must be the result of captivity. "The entry of slow loris in Appendix I of CITES will provide maximum protection for the slow loris, so that in the wild to be more secure its sustainability."
Proposed lemur to increase to Appendix I was taken by Cambodia in the CITES meeting which took place on June 3 to 15, 2007 in Hague, Netherlands who attended more than 150 countries, including Indonesia. Indonesia itself has ratifying this convention CITES since 1978.
Cambodian proposal to raise the lemur appendix is then received support from European Union countries, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Thailand and USA. ProFauna Indonesia are also attending the CITES meeting will also support the proposed Cambodia them. ProFauna addition, other organizations that also support raising appendix I slow loris are Species Survival Network (SSN), and the Asian Conservation Alliance Task Force. IUCN status: Vulnerable (Vulnerable) A2cd ver 3.1 / 2008. Arrest Each animal in the wild
The survey, conducted by ProFauna from 2000 to 2006 showed that the slow loris are traded freely in some bird markets are caught from the wild, not captive.
Some places in Indonesia to arrest the slow loris is
* Sumedang regency, West Java
One of the arrest location in West Java is slow loris in Sumedang district, namely the Forest Kareumbi. In this region the method arrests were made in the traditional way is to catch lemur directly from the bamboo trees. Poaching has been intensified since 1985.
A poacher can catch 6-7 animals per day. Kukang this catches are taken directly to collectors by collectors who then will be sent to the bird market in Bandung, Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya and even.
* Sukabumi, West Java
It is becoming more difficult to catch the slow loris in Sukabumi, Sukabumi, whereas before 2000 is one of the suppliers of slow lorises in Indonesia. Kemunkinan large population in nature is much reduced, so more difficult to capture.
* Bengkulu, Sumatra
At least there were 40 animals per day are captured and traded illegally in Bengkulu. Most of the animals were poached from Kerinci Seblat National Park area.
At level one tailed lemur collectors valued USD 10 thousand to USD 15 thousand. The slow loris is sold at bird markets with prices ranging between Rp. 100,000 to Rp 150,000 per head. Teeth of slow lorises
To display the impression that the slow loris is a tame animal, funny and do not bite, then by merchants lemur tooth is removed by using pliers (hook) that is usually used by an electrician. The extraction process is often slow loris tooth fracture and cause sores in the mouth.
Then the slow loris is holding the legs with his head downward position. Furthermore, slow loris is twisted around the grounds to stop the bleeding. Many animals have teeth extraction infection that could have an impact on mortality. Trade loris
Based on monitoring ProFauna in 2002 only have 5000 at least slow lorises smuggled from Sumatra to Java to be traded through Lampung. This is very concerned about the slow loris natural forests of Sumatra Island.
Slow loris trade not only in Java but also in other major cities outside the island Jawa.Tanggal June 9, 2004 also traded 12 lemur offered 150,000 in Medan Star bird markets in which traders in the market this bird is an old player four years ago was also involved in similar trade. Slow loris trade also occurred in Banjarmasin precisely at Sunday Market, Jl A Yani Km 7.5 Sudi Stop by and in Market (in front of Metro City Plaza).
Meanwhile in the city of Palembang in South Sumatra slow lorises occur in large numbers in the market Sixteen Ilir. Each month the number of lemur that are sold freely numbered between 40 - 60 head at a price of between Rp. 100,000 to Rp.200.000 / tail.
Slow loris trade is not only happening in the bird markets but also in shopping malls. On July 3, 2004 in front of Dunkin Donut 2 slow lorises are sold at a price of 175,000 rupiah per-tails. And in this mall used to be has never been any records of trade in slow loris.
In Bandung Indah Plaza (BIP) on display with the usual daily free 3 to 5 animals per day. Each animal was offered for Rp. 150.000, - to Rp.200.000, - per head For Traditional Medicine
Use of slow loris in addition traded for pets is also used for traditional medicines. Lemur meat is believed to be a drug to increase male stamina. In addition, the slow loris like skeleton is believed to have magical power to avert the danger and peace in the household.
Smuggling abroad
In addition to trade in the country (domestic), slow loris are also smuggled abroad. As happened in January 2003, police confiscated 91 slow lorises from citizens of Kuwait in Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta Airport. Each animal was initially be smuggled into Kuwait. Unfortunately the slow loris smuggling case is not clear outcome.
On June 27, 2004 successfully thwarted attempts of three animals per day through the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport Jakarta. Each animal was all be smuggled into Japan and Korea. Law Enforcement
Loris has been protected by Indonesian law, so the trade is illegal and criminal. Despite being protected, the fact that slow lorises are still a lot happening. However the Forestry Police have made several efforts to enforce the law and foreclosures slow loris traded. According to records ProFauna Indonesia, in 2003 alone ProFauna forestry has helped police to confiscate 49 animals per day in the city of Jakarta and surrounding areas.
On July 3, 2004 KSDA Establishments confiscated a baby lemur on Barito bird market in Jakarta. Apart from slow loris also successfully seized langur and wild cats.
On June 25, 2003 an elderly who want to smuggle various types of wildlife including the slow loris in Bandar Lampung, Sumatra. Grandma was a courier to bring animals from Sumatra to Jakarta. Unfortunately, the case was prosecuted, with consideration of her age.
Positive results occurred in the Bird Market in Malang, East Java. Based on the results ProFauna Indonesia in the bird market in 1999 recorded 38 animals per day are traded. However in 2004 was absent of slow lorises in Malang bird market. The absence of slow lorises in Malang bird market was due BKSDA East Java II perform control operations in the bird markets so that traders become deterrent to selling protected wildlife.
Butter is based on the results ProFauna Indonesia in the bird markets [[Mantingan] Ngawi traded in 2009 recorded 45 animals per day. The survey results are followed up by the Criminal Police in East Java. On November 5, 2009 Caught in the slow loris trade mafia Mantingan Ngawi bird market in East Java, East Java by the Criminal Police, slow loris is planned to be traded in East Java. The arrest dealers who have been on reconnaissance by police officers of this East Java Regional Police, to fruition with 21 slow loris rescued from the suspect. The suspect in the court process in the country legally Ngawi east Java. Endangered loris
Based on surveys and monitoring conducted by ProFauna Indonesia from 2000 to 2006, estimated that each year there are approximately 6000 to 7000 animals per day were caught from the wild in Indonesia for trade. This is a serious concern for preservation in the wild, given the proliferation of slow loris slow enough that only can give birth to one offspring in a year and a half.
According to Government Regulation No. 7 of 1999 (art. 5), a type of animal shall be determined in a protected class when it has the criteria;
1. Mempuyai small population
2. The existence of a sharp decline in the number of individuals in the wild.
3. Limited regional distribution (endemic).
Although the slow loris has been protected, but enforcement efforts must be improved. Protection at the international level more stringent by including the slow loris in Appendix I of CITES will help slow loris to remain sustainable. Because the slow loris has been protected by law, Unang Republic of Indonesia, the Indonesian government rightly is also supporting efforts to raise the status of lemur for entry in Appendix I of CITES. Thus, international trade will slow loris no longer allowed the arrest of nature.
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