New logo Firefox To Channel Aurora & Nightly

New logo Firefox To Channel Aurora & Nightly

Early adopters that are
used in testing the Firefox development fee that is still very early is no doubt familiar with the logo that accompanies the release of Minefield. With or without a lit bomb fuse, Minefield logo is designed to indicate the specific release of Firefox is reportedly still far from finalizing it.
With the release of Mozilla Firefox 4.0 would appear to accelerate the release cycle of these open source browsers. And even Firefox 5.0 reportedly will also follow soon released in mid-2011 this. While Firefox 6.0 will also be released six weeks after that, and then followed by Firefox the next six weeks ago.
Thus, the overall development process of Firefox seems to require a revamping. Part of these improvements is the proposition to build a new version of Firefox with a focus on the four existing channels, rather than the three channels as it has applied today. 
Legnitto Christian who served as manager of Mozilla's release has also been noted on the need of the additional channels besides Nightly Aurora, Beta, and Release. And according to the publication that was launched Hentzschel Søren, release of Firefox Nightly testing and Aurora apparently will feature elements of the new visual identity, in particular logo that more fresh. The new logo is certainly related to improvements to the design Minefield today, and difficult to ascertain whether the official Firefox logo also will be redesigned in the next release. So far there has been no indication that Mozilla plans to introduce the renewal of existing Firefox logo.The following explanation of the channels Legnitto post presence Mozilla Firefox 4.0:

1. Nighly, namely the development of which was created from mozilla-central repository every night. No qualification is performed by QA.
2. Aurora, which is created from the repository development mozilla-auroras, which are aligned from mozilla-central every 6 weeks. There are a small number of QA at the beginning of the period of 6 weeks before the update has to offer.
3. Beta, which is created from the repository development mozilla-beta repository, which qualified by QA as a sufficient quality to be released to beta users.
4. Release, which is created from the repository development mozilla-releases, which qualified by QA as a quality sufficient for general release to hundreds of millions of people.

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