Table of contents
* 1 Description
* 2 Characteristics
* 3 Classification
o 3.1 Species and Subspecies
* 4 Location and habitat
* 5 Meals
* 6 Predator
* 7 Ways to protect yourself
* 8 Reproduction
* 9 Ways to move
* 10 Ways to Live
* 11 Some interesting facts
* 12 Population
* 13 Threats
o 13.1 Opening of Land and Conversion of Oil Palm Plantation
13.2 o Illegal Trade
* 14 Status of Conservation
The term "orang utan" is taken from the Malay language, which means that humans (people) of forest. Includes two species of orang utan, the Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii) and orangutans kalimantan (borneo) (Pongo pygmaeus). What is unique is an orangutan has a close kinship with humans at the level of kingdom Animalia, where the orangutan has a DNA similarity rate of 96.4%.
They have a fat body and big, big necked, long arms and strong, short legs and bowed, and did not have a tail.
Orangutans have a height of about 1.25-1.5 meters.
Body brownish red hair covered orangutan. They have large heads with mouths that high position.
When the level of sexual maturity, male orangutans have a fat temples on both sides, large fontanel, long hair and grown a beard around the face. They have the same senses as humans, namely hearing, sight, smell, taste, and touch.
Weight around 50-90 kgs male orangutan, orangutan while females weigh about 30-50 kg.
Palm of their hand has 4 fingers plus one thumb length. Soles of their feet also has an arrangement fingers very similar to humans.
Orangutans are still included in the species of great apes such as gorillas and chimpanzees. Classification great apes are classified mammal, having a large brain size, which leads the eye forward, and hands that can grip.
Orangutan including vertebrate animals, which means that they have a backbone. Orangutans also includes mammals and primates.
Species and Subspecies
1. There are 2 kinds of species of orangutan, the orangutans of Borneo / Borneo (Pongo pygmaeus) and Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii).
2. Descendant of Sumatra and Borneo Orangutan vary from 1.1 to 2.3 million years ago.
3. Subspecies
* Learning genetics has identified three subspecies of Borneo Orangutan: Pppygmaeus, Ppwurmbii, Ppmorio. Each subspecies differentiated according to geographical distribution area and include the size of the body.
* Central Kalimantan Orangutan (Ppwurmbii) inhabit the region of West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan. They are the largest subspecies of Borneo.
* Northeast region of Borneo Orangutan (Ppmorio) inhabit areas of Sabah and East Kalimantan. They are the smallest subspecies.
* Currently there are no subspecies of orangutans of Borneo that is recognized.
Location and habitat
Orangutans in the Kutai National Park
Orangutans are found in tropical rainforest areas of Southeast Asia, namely on the island of Borneo and Sumatra in Indonesia and Malaysia the country. They usually live in dense trees and make nests of leaves. Orangutans can live in various forest types, ranging from dipterokarpus forest hills and plains, basins, freshwater swamp forests, peat swamp, dry land above the mangrove swamps and palm, to the mountain forest. In Borneo, orangutans can be found at an altitude of 500 m above sea level (asl), while relatives in Sumatra were reported to reach the mountain forest at 1,000 m above sea level.
Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii lesson) is one of the endemic animals that exist only in Sumatra. Orangutans in Sumatra occupies only the northern part of the island, ranging from Buck Elephant, Central Aceh until Sitinjak in South Tapanuli. The existence of these protected mammals Law 5 / 1990 on Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems and classified as Critically Endangered by IUCN. In Sumatra, one population of orangutans found in the river basin (DAS) Batang Toru, North Sumatra. The population of wild orangutans in Sumatra is estimated to number 7300. In the Batang Toru 380 Population density tail with approximately 0.47 to 0.82 chickens per square kilometer. The population of Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii lesson) is now estimated to 7500 individuals. Whereas in the era of the 1990s, an estimated 200,000 heads. Their populations are in 13 separate geographical regions. This condition causes the survival of their increasingly threatened with extinction. Currently almost all Sumatran Orangutans are found only in the province of North Sumatra and Aceh province, with Lake Toba as the southernmost limit of its spread. Only 2 relatively small population in the southwest, the East Sarulla and forests in the West Batang Toru. Largest orangutan population in Sumatra, found in the West Leuser (2508 individuals) and East Leuser (1,052 individuals), and Swamp Singkil (1,500 individuals). Other populations the estimated potential to survive in the long term (viable) contained in Batang Toru, North Sumatra, with a size of about 400 individuals.
Orangutans in Borneo that are categorized as endangered by IUCN is divided into three subspecies: Orangutans in Borneo are grouped into three types, namely Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus located in the northern part of the Kapuas River to the northeast of Sarawak; Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii found starting from the south of the River Kapuas to the western part of the Barito River, and Pongo pygmaeus morio. In Borneo, orangutans can be found in Sabah, Sarawak, and nearly all the lowland forests of Borneo, except South Kalimantan and Brunei Darussalam.
Although orangutans including omnivorous animals, most of them only eat plants. 90% of food in the form of fruit. The food include bark, leaves, flowers, several kinds of insects, and about 300 kinds of fruit
In addition they also feed on nectar, honey and mushrooms. They also liked to eat durian, although the sharp scent, but they love it.
Orangutans do not even need to leave their trees if you want to drink. They usually drink water that has accumulated in the holes between tree branches.
Usually orangutan mother teaches how to get food, how to get food, and a variety of tree species in different seasons. Through this, it can be seen that the orangutan was a complex map of forest sites in their brains, so they are not wasting energy when looking for food. And children also can find various types of trees and plants, which are edible and how to process the food that is protected by the shell and the sharp thorns.
The biggest predator is the human adult orangutans. Besides humans, orangutans predators are leopards, pigs, crocodiles, python snakes, and black eagles.
How to protect yourself

Orangutan including shy creature. They rarely show themselves to people or other creatures that do not recognize.
Orangutan females usually give birth at ages 7-10 years old with content ranging from 8.5 to 9 months; almost the same with humans. The number of babies born to a female is usually only one. Baby orangutans can live independently at the age of 6-7 years. Orangutan dependence on its mother is the longest of all animals, because there are many things to be learned in order to survive, they usually maintained until the age of 6 years.
Orangutans breed much longer than other primates, female orangutans only give birth every 7-8 years a child once. Age orangutans in the wild about 45 years, and along gidupnya female orangutans only has 3 offspring for life. Where that means reproduction of orangutans is very slow.
How to move
Orangutans can move quickly from tree to tree by swinging on tree branches, or commonly called brachiating. They also can walk on two feet, but rarely found. Orangutans can not swim.
Way of life
Unlike gorillas and chimpanzees, orangutans do not live in a big herd. They are semi-solitary animals. Orangutan males are usually found alone and female orangutans are usually accompanied by several children. Although oranutan often climb and build dipohon beds, they are essentially terrestrial animals (spending life on the ground).
Some interesting facts
* Orangutans can use the stick as a tool to get food, and use the leaves as sun protection.
* Orangutan males have the largest stretch of arm (length from one end of the hand to the tip of your other hand if both hands outstretched) reached 2.3 m.
* Orangutan males can make long distance calls that can be heard within a radius of 1 km. Used to mark / monitor their area, call the female, another male orangutan prevent disturbing. They have a large throat sac that enable them to do so.

Orangutans currently exist only on Sumatra and Borneo, in Southeast Asia region. Because their home is a dense forest, it is difficult to estimate the exact population. In Borneo, the orangutan population is estimated around 55,000 individuals. In Sumatra, the numbers are estimated around 7,500 individuals.
The biggest threat being experienced by the habitat of orangutans is an increasingly narrow because of the rain forest that became her home be used as a land of palm oil, mining and trees felled for their timber. Orangutans have lost 80% of its habitat in less than 20 years. Not infrequently they also injured and even killed by farmers and land owners as it is considered as pests. If a female orangutan was found by her son, the mother will be killed and his son later sold the illegal animal trade. Rehabilitation center was established to care for oranutan the sick, injured and who have lost their mothers. They were treated with the goal to be returned to its original habitat.
Opening of Land and Conversion of Oil Palm Plantation
In Sumatra, the population only in the Leuser area, which covers 2.6 million hectares covering Aceh and North Sumatra. Leuser has been declared as one of the most important biodiversity areas and designated as a UNESCO Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra in 2004. Ecosystem incorporates the Gunung Leuser National Park, but most of the orangutans live outside the boundaries of protected areas, where forest area was reduced by 10-15% each year to serve as areas as logging and farming areas.
Indonesia is one country that has reduced the number of the world's largest tropical forest. There are no signs that indicate reduced rates of deforestation. About 15 years ago, there were approximately 1.7 million hectares of forest area that continues to cut down every year in Indonesia, and continues to grow in 2000 as many as 2 million hectares.
Legal and illegal logging has brought the impact of the shrinking amount of forest in Sumatra. The opening of the forest as oil fields in Sumatra and Kalimantan have also resulted in millions of hectares of forest clearing, and all forest land that are not protected will experience the same thing later.
Deadly conflicts that often occur in the plantation is now a habitat where orangutans dwindle because of forest clearance must find enough food to survive. Protected species and endangered species are often seen as a threat to the profits of plantation because they are considered as pests and must be killed.
Orangutans are usually killed when they entered the area of plantations and destroy crops. This often happens because the orangutans can not find the food they need in the forest where they live.

Illegal Trade
In theory, orangutans on Sumatra has been protected by legislation since 1931, which prohibits to possess, kill or capture the orangutans. But in practice, the hunters still hunt them, mostly for animal trade. In international law, orangutans included in Appendix I of CITES list (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species), which prohibits trading by considering the conservation status of these species are the wild-free. However, there is still a lot of demand for the baby orangutan, whether it is local demand, nationally and internationally to serve as pets. Son of orangutans is very dependent on its mother for survival and also in the process of development, to take the child from the parent orangutans to be killed. It is estimated that, for every baby who survived the arrest and transportation represents the death of an adult female orangutan.
According to data from the WWF website, orangutans are estimated to have occurred importing into Taiwan as many as 1000 larvae that occurred between 1985 and 1990. For every orangutan that arrived in Taiwan, then there are 3 to 5 other animals that die in the process.
Orangutan trade reportedly also occurs in Borneo, where orangutans were either dead or hidaup also remained unsold.
Conservation status
Sumatran orangutans have been included in the classification of Critically Endangered in the IUCN list. Its population dropped dramatically when in 1994 the number reached more than 12,000, but in 2003 to about 7300 tails. Data in 2008 reported that the estimated number of Sumatran orangutans in the wild live only around 6,500 individuals.
Historically, the orangutans are found in forests across Sumatra, but now limited to only areas of North Sumatra and Aceh provinces. Habitat suitable for orangutans currently only about less than 900,000 hectares on the island of Sumatra.

It is estimated that orangutans will become the first great ape species that became extinct in the wild. The main cause is habitat loss and animal trade.
Orangutans are the basis for species conservation. Orangutans play an important role for forest regeneration through the fruits and seeds they eat. Losing the orangutan reflect the loss of hundreds of species of plants and animals in the rainforest ecosystem.
The world's remaining primary forests are the foundation of human welfare, and the key to a healthy planet is biodiversity, contribute to help save orangutans mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects, plants, and berbagain kinds of other species that live in rain forests of Indonesia.
Orangutan including shy creature. They rarely show themselves to people or other creatures that do not recognize.
Orangutan females usually give birth at ages 7-10 years old with content ranging from 8.5 to 9 months; almost the same with humans. The number of babies born to a female is usually only one. Baby orangutans can live independently at the age of 6-7 years. Orangutan dependence on its mother is the longest of all animals, because there are many things to be learned in order to survive, they usually maintained until the age of 6 years.
Orangutans breed much longer than other primates, female orangutans only give birth every 7-8 years a child once. Age orangutans in the wild about 45 years, and along gidupnya female orangutans only has 3 offspring for life. Where that means reproduction of orangutans is very slow.
How to move
Orangutans can move quickly from tree to tree by swinging on tree branches, or commonly called brachiating. They also can walk on two feet, but rarely found. Orangutans can not swim.
Way of life
Unlike gorillas and chimpanzees, orangutans do not live in a big herd. They are semi-solitary animals. Orangutan males are usually found alone and female orangutans are usually accompanied by several children. Although oranutan often climb and build dipohon beds, they are essentially terrestrial animals (spending life on the ground).
Some interesting facts
* Orangutans can use the stick as a tool to get food, and use the leaves as sun protection.
* Orangutan males have the largest stretch of arm (length from one end of the hand to the tip of your other hand if both hands outstretched) reached 2.3 m.
* Orangutan males can make long distance calls that can be heard within a radius of 1 km. Used to mark / monitor their area, call the female, another male orangutan prevent disturbing. They have a large throat sac that enable them to do so.
Orangutans currently exist only on Sumatra and Borneo, in Southeast Asia region. Because their home is a dense forest, it is difficult to estimate the exact population. In Borneo, the orangutan population is estimated around 55,000 individuals. In Sumatra, the numbers are estimated around 7,500 individuals.
The biggest threat being experienced by the habitat of orangutans is an increasingly narrow because of the rain forest that became her home be used as a land of palm oil, mining and trees felled for their timber. Orangutans have lost 80% of its habitat in less than 20 years. Not infrequently they also injured and even killed by farmers and land owners as it is considered as pests. If a female orangutan was found by her son, the mother will be killed and his son later sold the illegal animal trade. Rehabilitation center was established to care for oranutan the sick, injured and who have lost their mothers. They were treated with the goal to be returned to its original habitat.
Opening of Land and Conversion of Oil Palm Plantation
In Sumatra, the population only in the Leuser area, which covers 2.6 million hectares covering Aceh and North Sumatra. Leuser has been declared as one of the most important biodiversity areas and designated as a UNESCO Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra in 2004. Ecosystem incorporates the Gunung Leuser National Park, but most of the orangutans live outside the boundaries of protected areas, where forest area was reduced by 10-15% each year to serve as areas as logging and farming areas.
Indonesia is one country that has reduced the number of the world's largest tropical forest. There are no signs that indicate reduced rates of deforestation. About 15 years ago, there were approximately 1.7 million hectares of forest area that continues to cut down every year in Indonesia, and continues to grow in 2000 as many as 2 million hectares.
Legal and illegal logging has brought the impact of the shrinking amount of forest in Sumatra. The opening of the forest as oil fields in Sumatra and Kalimantan have also resulted in millions of hectares of forest clearing, and all forest land that are not protected will experience the same thing later.
Deadly conflicts that often occur in the plantation is now a habitat where orangutans dwindle because of forest clearance must find enough food to survive. Protected species and endangered species are often seen as a threat to the profits of plantation because they are considered as pests and must be killed.
Orangutans are usually killed when they entered the area of plantations and destroy crops. This often happens because the orangutans can not find the food they need in the forest where they live.
Illegal Trade
In theory, orangutans on Sumatra has been protected by legislation since 1931, which prohibits to possess, kill or capture the orangutans. But in practice, the hunters still hunt them, mostly for animal trade. In international law, orangutans included in Appendix I of CITES list (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species), which prohibits trading by considering the conservation status of these species are the wild-free. However, there is still a lot of demand for the baby orangutan, whether it is local demand, nationally and internationally to serve as pets. Son of orangutans is very dependent on its mother for survival and also in the process of development, to take the child from the parent orangutans to be killed. It is estimated that, for every baby who survived the arrest and transportation represents the death of an adult female orangutan.
According to data from the WWF website, orangutans are estimated to have occurred importing into Taiwan as many as 1000 larvae that occurred between 1985 and 1990. For every orangutan that arrived in Taiwan, then there are 3 to 5 other animals that die in the process.
Orangutan trade reportedly also occurs in Borneo, where orangutans were either dead or hidaup also remained unsold.
Conservation status
Sumatran orangutans have been included in the classification of Critically Endangered in the IUCN list. Its population dropped dramatically when in 1994 the number reached more than 12,000, but in 2003 to about 7300 tails. Data in 2008 reported that the estimated number of Sumatran orangutans in the wild live only around 6,500 individuals.
Historically, the orangutans are found in forests across Sumatra, but now limited to only areas of North Sumatra and Aceh provinces. Habitat suitable for orangutans currently only about less than 900,000 hectares on the island of Sumatra.
It is estimated that orangutans will become the first great ape species that became extinct in the wild. The main cause is habitat loss and animal trade.
Orangutans are the basis for species conservation. Orangutans play an important role for forest regeneration through the fruits and seeds they eat. Losing the orangutan reflect the loss of hundreds of species of plants and animals in the rainforest ecosystem.
The world's remaining primary forests are the foundation of human welfare, and the key to a healthy planet is biodiversity, contribute to help save orangutans mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects, plants, and berbagain kinds of other species that live in rain forests of Indonesia.
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