Conservation group WWF urged the private parties to stop plans to open forest areas of Indonesia. Infra-redcamera footage proving increasingly rare Sumatran tiger.
Video recording in March and April showed there were only two tigress with four children, as well as six other tigers in the Bukit Tigapuluh Wildlife Refuge, east of Sumatra. This amount is fairly critical, endangered Sumatran tiger, aka.
"It was the largest number of tigers and tiger picture is what we can get," said researcher Karmila Parakkasi tiger from WWF in a statement on Monday (9 / 5).
The 12 tigers are concentrated in natural forest sites in the concession of land owned by Barito Pacific Timber. "This video confirms the importance of forest in the Bukit Tigapuluh ecosystems and wildlife corridors, "said Director of WWF's Species Program for Forest and Anwar Purwoto.
WWF calls for all the concessions that operate in these areas will not abandon plans to open the forest and protect areas of high conservation value, he added.
"We also urge local governments, provincial and central government to consider the importance of this corridor and manage it as part of Indonesia's commitment to protect biodiversity," he said.
Currently, in nature, there are fewer than 400 Sumatran tigers left. Mengatakanl environmental activists, the animal was more frequently attack humans because its natural habitat lost due to deforestation for palm oil plantations.
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