Without thinking, the options would have done is not display the shortcut-shortcut. Consequently, an important shortcut shortcuts like Recyle Bin also missing. then, how to get access? do not worry, you can put it in the start menu. following his steps.
* Open Windows Explorer. navigate to the directory C: \ Users \ Your User name \ AppDate \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start Menu.
* In the right pane, right-click an empty area and select the command New> Shortcut on the context menu that appears.
* After appearing shortcut creation window, the text box type the location of the item, tikkan explorer.exe shell: RecycleBinFolder then, click the Next button.
* In the next window, the text box type a name for this shortcut. fill in the name of the shortcut that we will create. for example, we fill in the Recycle Bin. then click the button Finisih.
* Supposedly, the Recycle Bin shortcut on the Windows Explorer window. However, the shortcut is still using the default folder icon. then, what if we want to change its icon? no need to worry. for those of you who want to change the icon chortcut it, please follow the next step.
* Right click the shortcut and select Properties command on the context menu that appears.
* Once the Properties window appears, make sure you are in the shortcut tab and click the Change Icon button.
* After the Change Icon window appears, in the fields that are available, fill in the% SystemRoot% \ system32 \ imageres.dll and press the Enter key on your keyboard to display the standard Windows system icon 7. or, use the Browse button to find your other favorite icon. Finally, select one icon from the list below and end by pressing the OK button. Close the Properties window.
* Now for the final step, right-click the shortcut and choose Pin to Start Menu command on the context menu that appears.
* Now you click the Start button menu. if nothing is wrong, surely there is a shortcut Recyle Bin already there.
* Finish ....
Hopefully the above information useful for all and greetings mate success ....
Keyword:How to Display the Recycle Bin on Personal Start Menu in Windows 7, the step Showing Recycle Bin on Personal Start Menu in Windows 7, tips, tricks Showing Recycle Bin on Personal Start Menu in Windows 7, a tutorial on Personal Showing Recycle Bin Start Menu in Windows 7. Displaying the Recycle Bin on Personal Start Menu in Windows 7.
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