The way it felt to be more modest than opening a new link to see the tweet utuhnya. TallTweet showing the parts tweet at a time and then gave the order numbers. when split into three tweet, there is an order of one to three.
Another plus is the fraction is posted in reverse order, from most recent to earliest. The idea is that when a follower read it on the timeline, tweet fraction can be read directly from the top down because the first tweet tweet posted is the last part. for more details, follow the steps below.
* Open the page here. Just like any other application, you do not need to create a new account, simply use your Twitter account to take advantage of TallTweet because the application was integrated with the Twitter API. Click the Sign in With Twitter colored blue on the page.
* You will be prompted to log in by entering your username and password. in the login process will also be asked your confirmation to allow the application TallTweet to update your Twitter. click the Allow button to continue.
* To update tweet, just fill texfield provided. textfield is available under the counter of characters and solving calculation tweet into several sections. when you finish typing a tweet, tweet click the Post button.
* If successful, TallTweet will display your tweet fractions sorted from top to bottom. each denomination will be followed denan serial number along with figures showing the total parts are made.
* However, it turns tweet will be posted in reverse order, from bottom to top. objective that when read through the timeline of Twitter, tweets can still be read from top to bottom. Interval to update anything in the same time so it is less likely to separate from other tweet.
* Finish ....
Hopefully the above information useful and successful greeting ...
Keyword:How to Easily Solve a 140 character Tweet Being on Twitter, writing on twitter for longer, step 140 Characters Become Solving Tweet on Twitter, Tweet Become Solving tips tricks 140 Characters in Twitter, Tweet Being tutorial Solving 140 Characters in Twitter.
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