If you are on the lookout for an adventurous experience in China, as well as enjoy the exquisite natural scenery in the country, the best way to have the cake and eat it too, is by taking a hike down the Leaping Tiger Gorge.

The Leaping Tiger Gorge is a canyon of huge proportions, located on Yangtze River, the third large river in the world. The river is the most important river in entire China.

Leaping Tiger Gorge is approximately eighteen kilo meters in length and goes from the south west to the north east and even extends to a depth of two kilo meters in some areas.

The canyon was formed when the Yellow River ran between the Habaxueshan Mountain (standing at 5 396 m) and the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain (height of 5 596 m). The Leaping Tiger Gorge rivals the Grand Canyon in the United States in terms of height of canyon walls as well as depth of the canyon.

The Gorge is sixty kilo meters to the north of the picturesque Lijiang city in Yunnan province, and is situated in the west of China. It is an extremely beautiful natural wonder, and is home to an extremely notable biodiversity. The entire region is part of a world heritage site of the name “Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan protected areas”.
The local name of the river as it runs through the river is known as Jingsha or the Golden Sands River.

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