Rare Phenomenon, Six Planet line of Being

Rare events occur in the form of conjunctions of planets in the sky at dawn since late April. Six layers like planets to form one line and continued for several weeks.


This rare phenomenon occurs after two months most of the planets to hide behind the sun. Thomas Djamaluddin, astronomy researcher from the Institute of Aviation and Space Agency (LAPAN), states that planets move in orbits near the sun that could have been on the same side of the sky.

"At that time, the planets that look like rows of bright points of light that are in one strand," he said when contacted, Monday, May 2, 2011.

Four planets, namely Venus, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter, can be seen with the naked eye. Meanwhile, two other planets, that Uranus and Neptune can be seen with the aid of binoculars.

To enjoy this beautiful scenery, point view of the eastern sky after dawn. From there we could see four bright planets are tiered from the bottom up in one line.

The order of these planets are Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, and Venus. Meanwhile, Uranus and Neptune will be higher than any other planet.

Conjunction of six planets, four of whom were bright planet, never happen at least in the last five years. Similarly, in the next five years, a similar phenomenon will not last.

The astrologer is often called the alignment of the planets as a harbinger of coming disaster. This has been a trust since thousands of years ago.

However, for amateur astronomers, the phenomenon would be a boon conjunctions. This opportunity is used to hone the ability of photography. Photographing four bright planets in the foreground light of dawn becomes the object of photographic interest.


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