Tirta Sanita Ciseeng Hot Water
Tirta Sanita Ciseeng Hot Water
There are several hot springs resorts in Bogor district, one of which is a tourist hot water Ciseeng. Among the several hot springs in this area, only the location of hot spring Tirta Sanita who managed as a tourist destination. Entrance fee farm was set at Rp. 5000/orang. Entering the gate hot spring Tirta Sanita, it appears a row of neatly king palm tree on the left and right. A few yards later visitors will be treated to views of limestone hills which is the central location of these baths. The combination of white, gray and black with kontrast integrated, harmonious with the green foliage of trees growing around it enough. In beberpaa part of this hill resembles carved staircase that allows visitors to climb.
That afternoon entertainment attractions seemingly being held at the location of these baths. Several local artists looked alternately singing dangdut entertain the crowd who was sitting relaxed under a shady tree. While diareal bathing children, several small children playing water cheerfully shouting to call parent / playmate. Other, more quiet corner seemed dominated by a few pairs of young people, whether it's under the tree, in some basins and limestone hill behind the dune.
On top of limestone hill, there is a small pond filled with water. The smell of sulfur is stung in the water with greenish-white color hijaun. When I try to feel how hot the water in these hills, was not as hot as expected and even possibly exist in water temperature occurred only because of a hot sun. It seems to be able to feel the real hot water, must immediately try it on a wading pool located in the rental houses. From the story of a friend who never tried it, the water in a wading pool rental is hot enough heat even quite painful for a child. The author decided not to try it, because the weather was pretty hot day and more interested to explore karpur hill located behind the parking area Tirta Sanita. From the parking attendant just before entering the payment counter Tirta Sanita, obtained information that in the limestone hills there is also a source of hot water, but has not managed in full.
Intrigued by this information would not hurt to try to climb, yet not too high, though the sun was starting to shine skin. And it is true, there is a small bathing pool there and a bathroom with hot water flowing in it but unfortunately the building is truly "emergency". At that time no one has tried to bathe and soak in the pool which is located in an open area, without a roof and the trees that shaded from the sun. Beberpa only person who seems people were talking about under the blue tarp was accompanied by a cup of coffee.
Water in the pool was also not as hot as expected, aka not much different from the water temperature lies above the limestone hills Tirta Sanita. Form a makeshift pond, the lack of protection from the scorching sun along with node-node thin layer of lime on the surface of the water, perhaps the main reason visitors are reluctant to bathe in it.
Author: Silhouette
Photographer: Silhouette
Location: Parung, Bogor
Source: navigasi.net
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